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Samling Going Public 2006/20072007Dok1
Jahresberichte (Annual Reports) Samling 2007 folgende. Sarawak Energy 2006 folgende2009Dok2
> Schweizer Klimapolitik auf einen Blick2014DI207
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Indigenous Peoples and United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies Vol. 12005MR40
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Indigenous Peoples and United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies Vol. 32008MR42
Indigenous Peoples and United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies Vol. 42010MR43
Silenced Rivers – The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams (2nd enlarged and updated edition)2007US77
Baru Bian ketua Menteri Sarawak apa kata Rakyat Ba' Kelalan? (The Sarawak Minister Baru Bian said - What people from Ba' Kelalan?)2013DI204
Aarau, Alice; Craig, JoAnnKultur-Schlüssel Malaysia & Singapur Andere Länder entdecken und verstehen1999SK113
Abraham, Kirsty; Ozinga, SaskiaWho’s Who in the Forest Movement - A directory of up-to-date information on NGOs and individuals active in Europe, and elsewhere, working on forest issues1998US56
Abramovitz, Janet N. (Hrsg.)Taking a Stand: Cultivating a New Relationship with the World’s Forests1998FA14
Achermann, Brigitte; Sprague, KeithWood in our lives English for upper primary2006KB27
Aeberli, Anninabedrohte Völker2012DI206
Aepli Elsenbeer, Marie-France; Hartmeyer, Claude; Kästli, Elisabeth; Kyburz, Gaby; Tschudin, André; Wiener, DanielUmwelt in der Schweiz 1997 Daten, Fakten, Perspektiven1997US30
Aeria, AndrewEconomic Development via Dam Building: The Role of the State Govermvent in the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable Energy and the Impact on Environment and Local Communities2016MP109
Aerias, AndrewPolitics, Business, The State and Development in Sarawak, 1970 – 2000, PhD Thesis2002MP44
Agent Green & Bruno Manser FondsIKEA – Smart Outside, Rotten Inside2024GZ15
Ahmad, ShahnonNo Harvest but a Thorn1972DI175
Aichele, Dietmar; Aichele, Renate; Schwegler, Heinz-Werner; Schwegler, AnnelieseWelcher Baum ist das? Bäume, Sträucher, Ziergehölze1992HB20
Aik Pang Wee (collected by)Environmental Impact Assessments EIA Limbang Area: LPF/0005, 0027, 0038, T/0129. 1996 – 2010 Darin auch: Sarawak Energy Berhad SEB EIA Murum Dam Belaga1996Dok3

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